Saturday, September 05, 2009


I guess that's about how I passed this last week. I travelled, did my job, got rained on, got home, cleaned some more trim for painting, got rained on, slept, and just worked.

You ever have that feeling that you've just been kicked while down and out? That's how I've felt. The sad part is, I don't know if and when I'm gonna get back in my groove.

I've got two long trips ahead of me that are going to take most of the month. Then it's back to square one. Even Sundays don't feel refreshing or invigorating to help the week.

Yeah, Yeah, I need some cheese to go with my whine! Sorry for such a downer post, it's just how I feel.


Danny and Paulette said...

How many more years until you're 50 so at least you can contemplate retirement. It's so wonderful. Love you guys and I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch. Cheer up, things always get better.
Love ya,

Bert said...

dude hang there! Life always gets better. Don't let satan get to you! Look at your blessings not your donwfalls in life. Remember who loves you and keep your chin up!

Love you bro,