Saturday, September 13, 2008

IKE part Deux

We are certainly most lucky to live in Central Texas.  IKE has been devastating the Gulf Coast and has done "his" damage there, moving quite slowly through the US heading into Northeastern Texas and points northward.  

IKE has given us some good and much needed rain.  Some wonderful wind, not too much, just enough to be enjoyed.  IKE has also given us a great opportunity today, most everyone we know back home in Vegas has called us to make sure that we are safe, that we have "endured" the ravages of the storm.  People, come on Seriously (said with sarcasm)!  We live in CENTRAL TEXAS - more than Two hundred (yes, 200) miles away from Houston.   We have a better time with Tornadoes than we do with Hurricanes.

Our neighbors up the street and us have had a great time mocking (no pun intended - their last name is Mock) those here that surged the gas stations, surged the HEB's for bottled water, food, milk, ICE CREAM - Come on seriously people - if there's no electricity, there's no freezer for ice cream.  Princess went to the store last night for our normal supplies, and she was faced with empty shelves - same as RITA three years ago.

We laugh.  We shake our heads and we watch hysteria unleash over a storm.  People should listen to the Prophet - "Be Prepared"!  Heck, we could live for at least a week on the candy, chips, soda, and canned food we have in our cupboards.  If we were at home at the in-laws, it would be for at least a month! 

Anyway, we're fine, doing fine, ironing and watching a movie.  Thanks so much for asking.



Anonymous said...

glad your having a relaxing weekend with mel :) xoxo bj

Leah said...

You are hilarious. Cut some people some slack...they don't realize how incredibly massive this state is. Some have never seen a map...okay just kidding. But really I too find the "raids" a little funny. We are SO FAR from the coast and if a tornado comes we will know. ;) Thanks for the laugh.

Stamp With Linz said...

Hey now, Nacogdoches is way off the coast too and we were hit with Rita- (category 1 still)- go right over us... so it COULD happen...just probably won't- we'll just ride the tornadoes instead- YEEHAW!

Anonymous said...

When your "food" supply gets low we have wheat, rice, beans, oatmeal, sugar, flour, peaches, spaghetti sauce, canned vegs. etc, etc. come on over. Jeanette

TonyaKuykendall said...

I know what you mean about mass hysteria. The only thing I went to get is extra batteries just in case the power went out and our flashlight batteries were dead. That's it. But when I went to Dollar General to buy some inexpensive batteries there were a total of FOUR D-cell batteries in the entire store. The clerk said that there was mass panic earlier that day at the battery shelf.

I have to admit, I've never made a run on the ice cream freezer for a hurricane.. interesting...

I like your idea of "food storage". Chips is definately a staple at our house too...

Watts Family said...

I got a call on Sat. asking how bad the storm was- and we're up in Dallas! Whenever anything bad happens in Texas my mom calls and asks how far away we are from whatever city it having the trouble. It's nice to be remembered but kind of funny too.

I check your blog and enjoy your posts, most the time I'm just too lazy to actually log in so I can leave a comment :)