Thursday, September 11, 2008

Help Me!

Understand that is.  The last two posts have been trying to reintroduce myself to blogging without being such a downer and guess what?  No comments!  NADA! Zip! Zilch! Zingo!

Come on, I love that you all love both Princess and I, but throw me a bone now and then!

I just got back from 7 hours of driving from Beaumont to Waco - yes!  I said Seven hours!  Traffic was heavy just getting out of Beaumont, then the idiots zinging and zipping through Highway 105 and Highway 6 - just about pushed me over the edge.  Anywhoo, I'm home, tonight is card night for Princess, so I'll be alone again - nothing to do but watch some boob tube and iron!

The girls just barked cause Princess came in and now we're going to go out and get the mail.  Yes - this is my exciting life!



Sarah said...

The hurricane is coming!!! Remember our fun Rita party??

Anonymous said...

Hey Skip, I love to read your blogs. I always get such a laugh, sometimes a tear or two. Keep them going. You're way more diligent then I am with them.


TonyaKuykendall said...

I'm glad you're home safe from your trip. 6 hours on the roads of Texas is enough to drive even the most patient driver over the edge. I've seen the pictures of the evac on the news. yikes!

Stamp With Linz said...

Comment. Comment. Comment.
:) Love ya dude.

Stamp With Linz said...

and dude, I totally need to fix the header on your blog...

Michele said...

I hope you got some good mail and not just bills and crapola. Yuck!