The appointment went well. Princess was supposed to be there to hold my hand while they took blood, but she was called into work at the last minute. I didn't faint, I told them ahead of time that I do faint, so they laid me down on a bed, talked to me the whole time, and all went well. this was a first for me. First time at the doctor to draw blood, and no one there to hold my hand.
Then it dawned on me, that the next eight months will be firsts for me also. First birthday without Mom, first turkey day, etc. You get the picture. No, I'm not all sad and sappy, just thinking about the changes that have happened in my family's and my life. I also joined Facebook, so I could post to my family. It's kind of cool. I even uploaded a pic of myself for a profile, something I don't like to do since I am camera shy.
Anyway, today is Halloween, or better for my native Nevadans, Admissions day. Yep, on October 31, 1864, Nevada entered into the Union as a free state, desired for it's silver and gold deposits, and the thirty-sixth state of these united states. It's a state holiday, no work, no banking, no post office, a great three day weekend for everyone there.
So, Happy Halloween! Happy Admissions Day Nevada!