Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where's Spring

I’m in Chi-land and experiencing some of the most bizarre springtime weather. I woke up to snow this morning and it snowed for about 6 or 7 hours, then has turned to rain. We’re in SPRING people! And it snowed! We’re supposed to get more snow tonight! I was smart for the trip to Chicago; I checked the weather online and packed long sleeve shirts, an overcoat, gloves, but no umbrella or hat. Maybe I’ll be smarter next time.

After last weekend in San Antonio, where we had a cold snap, the weather hovering around 36 F with a northern wind driving a wind chill and making me wish I had more than t-shirts and shorts. We did have fun with Jen, Dan, and the kids. Colored eggs, stuffed eggs, made deviled eggs, jiggler eggs, jiggler jelly beans, get the picture, pure Easter fun.

It snowed in Waco, enough to build snowmen, and we missed it, but got so see the remnants of them when we got home.

When I talked to Princess today, it was 80 F today in Waco. I can’t wait to get home and mow my grass and plant some flowers.

Be good and safe.

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