Tuesday, April 03, 2007


...Tornadoes, Princesses desires for a beautiful yard, out of control weeds, you name it and I have been doing it. So lets start with the first one.

Last Friday, March 30, 2007, we had another Tornado warning. Princess, Sadie, Sasha, and myself, gathered cushions, water, medicine and ourselves into the guest/hall bathroom following all the weatherman's warnings. We huddled together while waiting out the storm, winds, rain - lots of rain, and hail came, flooding the back yard, and delivering about 5 to 7 inches of badly needed rain. Then it left, and overnight we had just a little bit of rain, to keep us from being in a drought.

For the past two weeks we have been buying plants and putting them in all over the house (really, around the house). We rented a sod cutter, removed a bunch of grass to create a planting bed in the front, got a landscaper out for a quote on trees and preparing the bed - not planting it, just preparing it, Princess is making me plant the bushes and flowers the landscaper recommends (no rest for the wicked...or in my case the fat and ornery).

Killing weeds has become my favorite past time. Pulling them out by their tap roots, applying herbicide etc. Man if I could grow grass and plants like I grow weeds, I would have the best lawn in all my neighborhood.

Been working lots and lots of hours still - hoping that it will calm down and I will be able to get back on the road and get some audits done.

Easter weekend we're going to San Antonio to visit the Martinsen's (friends from Vegas - yeah baby).

Be safe and Happy

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