Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Blues

Ever have the feeling that you entered a new week only to find that it is going to be a very long one? I did today. I got to the plant, and decided that I would not unpack my files in my rolling computer bag. I would only take out those that I needed so that I could stay focused and complete a task...HA!

Of course everyone I interact with wanted some of my time. I did manage to get progress on my project, but not completed so I could get feedback from some other associates at a different plant.

This of course comes on the heels of a marvelous weekend (see previous post for Princess). I will try harder tomorrow to get the project completed, take out a new file and make stupendous progress on it.

On the home front, it is cooler here in Waco and I've been home for the past 2 weeks with this being the third one in a row - a record. Procrastination has become my middle name. We bought a Crepe Myrtle a couple make that a month ago and I have not planted it - that is my task tomorrow after work as we are leaving in a while to go eat dinner with our friends, the Blackhurts.

Sorry for the downer of a post, but happens - we just have to deal with it and move on.


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