Saturday, July 01, 2006


Since I was a senior in high school - I know eons ago - I have had the same haircut, pretty conservative, short, parted on the side - think Opie from Mayberry, Ok?! Well today I went in for my four week upkeep and since it is summer, I said to Gina Renee, "The back is pretty heavy/shaggy, let's use the clippers and remove some of the weight! Gina was excited as it's been about six months since we used the clippers. She fixed on the guard, a # 3 and went to work. After the clippers, she got out the scissors and blended the top to the sides. She was almost done and I said "what if we were to do the 'comb to the front kinda messy style' and not the parted on the side blown, brushed look?! Both Princess and Gina Renee looked surprise and before I could get an answer, SNIP, SNIP, and the bangs went shorter along with top! Next came out the hair paste, gooped into my hair, then fingers, and hair tossled about with nary a comb in sight!

Sooo, for the first time since I was seventeen, I have a new hairdo/hairstyle! I'm so self conscious, I haven't let Princess take a photo yet - maybe tomorrow after Church, I've got to see how well I can do the "messy" look without a professional stylist! I also look at myself in every mirror or window to make sure my big head and short hair look ok - heck, I may even have to start exercising so that I have a more fit body to go with the slimmed down
hairdo! ;-)

Check back tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel to see the photos.


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