Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Primary Class

Today begins with a bit of trepidation. I have been up since 6:00 AM worrying about teaching the 11/12 year olds in Primary at Church. Over the past year, I had the 9 year olds and they were a great class. Now I'm moving to a bigger class (number of students) and older (I won't be able to bluff them and have to be more prepared).

In my defense, I "browsed" through my lesson earlier in the week. I read the scriptures and I read the lesson using Evelyn Wood methodology. This brings us to today/this morning. Up at 6:00, showered, and dressed, in our home office studying and preparing the lesson. I have prepared the activity, hand written out my lesson, said a prayer that all will go well, and now I will leave it up to a review.

For 2007 we have moved from the early block of meetings (9:00 AM start time) to the late block of meetings (1:00 PM start time). For any of you not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this means that all of our Sunday meetings are held in a block of three hours. It saves time. It saves energy (both at the building and gasoline traveling back and forth to the meeting house). It also makes it convenient to iron your Sunday shirt on Sunday morning when you have procrastinated during the week.

So, say a prayer for me and wish me luck. These 11/12 year olds are way to smart and are going to keep me on my toes with all of their questions.
BTW, the facial hair almost looks good, so it didn't come off this morning! Maybe you'll get to see a bonus post with picture after Church, then I would love to know, keep it or shave it off, you can post your vote in the comments.


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