Friday, April 30, 2010

Somewhat Normal?

Yeah, this post is about me...again!

So on Tuesday I underwent the drill to the tooth. Yep sure enough, it was dead and abscessed. The Dentist was stymied and I was stymied as to how a tooth with no problems just ups and dies, causing so much misery and discomfort. Now for the horrific part, because I was so swollen, and so infected, the dentist could not numb me. How is that possible I ask you? Human, Human tissue, NOVOCAINE, should equal numb! Apparently, when you are so swollen and infected, you can't really get numb, so the Dentist just drilled away.

She's no dummy this Dentist of mine. She knows I can not tolerate an iota of pain and forewarned me of the impending drilling with no NOVOCAINE. I hunkered down in the chair, grabbed the arm rests and held on for dear life. And guess what? That Dentist with all her schooling and knowledge was right! I almost didn't feel a thing. There was still some discomfort cause the ligaments and gum tissue were so inflamed, but no blood curdling scream escaped my lips while she drilled.

And now here I sit, returned home from a trip to Chicago, down to my last antibiotics, and no pain medication since Tuesday morning when I woke up! Again I reiterate the title of this post - I'm somewhat normal?! Yes, we all know what that means, especially when we reference me, myself, and I!

Now Princess and I are in for the night, we're having some leftovers and planning the menu for Saturday and Sunday. We've got some movies to watch, "It's Complicated" and "The Young Victoria". Yep, this weekend it's a chick flick happenin' place at the old homestead. Hope you're all doing well.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talk About Luck

This past week I was at our corporate offices in NJ for meetings, my meetings.  This happens once every six months with my group and another group for strategy purposes.

The meetings went well.  Everyone from both teams presented and we even worked through a crisis that happened while we were together.  All week long, I was feeling tender on my upper left jaw.  I dismissed it saying to myself "Oh you're just stressed and you're grinding".  This went on all week long, and Friday morning came for me to leave NJ and I knew something was wrong - teeth related.  See, I inherited allergies and teeth from my Mother.  The allergies I've dealt with all my life and I'm currently undergoing allergy treatments on a monthly basis to build up my immunity.  

I have also dealt with my teeth all my life and I'm usually much better at realizing that I have one dying...not this time.  By the time I got home on Friday and arrived at the Dentist office the only thing they could do was take X-Rays, give me some pain medication, and give me some antibiotics.

Then on Saturday, at 2:00 AM I woke Princess up to this!

Yes, that is me in all my glory, check out the left side of my face!

Another shot!  Look at that lip!  I'm tellin you I was in pain!

Almost looks like Princess took her cast iron skillet to my head!

And at 10:00 AM just before going to get the tooth drilled so it can drain!

So now, I've had the tooth (#11 as Princess and the Doc call it - for you and me it is my left canine) draining in my mouth for about 24 hours (and they did this without any anesthesia)!  Princess has irrigated it with a warm bleach solution, and the swelling has gone down to about half of what you see in the photos!

Good Grief!  I'm just lucky I have a DSW who works for a Dentist that would come in on a Saturday and drill into my head.  So for now, it's take a pain pill and wait until I'm unconscious, then eat something, then sleep!  Tuesday I've got an appointment to do a root canal on the tooth!  Yippee!


Thursday, April 15, 2010


The house is empty!  Gone are Momma, Poppa, and the four extra dachshunds that have populated our humble abode for the past 9 plus weeks.  They left early this morning.  Van loaded to capacity with every treasure they've purchased during that time, and the four pups.

Both Princess and I got up early, showered, dressed, and were ready to have morning prayer with them before they left.  We all laughed and we hugged.  We checked bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen for anything left behind.  We said our "I love yous", and we watched as they drove down the driveway and into the early morning light.  About now they should be somewhere in New Mexico, exhausted from a day of driving, looking forward to a good dinner and a well deserved rest.  They're good folks my outlaws and we're going to miss having them here with us.

I worked from home today.  The quiet in the house was uncanny.  It's always good to have company come and visit and it's always good to see them go, but always with a pang of sadness that we won't hear the laughter and the jokes, the happy times and the frustrating times.

I've been a bit blue the last week or so.  Missing my Mom.  I remember last year right after Easter and the ads start coming out for Mother's Day, makes my heart yearn to hear her voice and to tell her I love her.  So grab your kids, hug them, kiss them, tell them you love them, don't let a single moment to do so pass you by.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Breaking or Sad News?

You be the judge.

Momma and Poppa had another appointment at the oral surgeon's office and then the dental office.  One more check up and if all goes well, they're on their way back home.  Now, who's happy and who's sad at my house?  Is it me or is it Princess?  Is it Princess or is it me?  Is it Momma and Poppa?  Mmmhhh?!

What's your thought dear reader
A) I"m happy they're leaving?
B) Princess is happy they're leaving?
C) Momma and Poppa are happy they're leaving?

No matter the outcome of the vote.  It's gonna suck not having family here after they are gone.

Just so ya know


Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's Been Real...

But has it been real fun?  I guess that is the question of the day.

I returned home from Mexico and Guatemala with a stuffed up nose, head and chest.  The good news is the trip went really well.  Bad news is I'm headed back out to Central America on Monday.  Oh the fun never stops.

The Old People are still with us.  As you recall, I asked for a vote from you dear readers to help me with a new nickname for them instead of the "Old People" that sounded so harsh to my dear sweet mother-in-law.  So two people voted for option 6 - dinlaw and minlaw, one for option 3 - momma and poppa, one one for option 5 - Willy and Ruthie (although that vote CLEARLY is biased and therefore does not count.  Hence, I get to decide (still my blog, and I can still use words like "hence").

Drum roll please...the winner is none of the above.  Henceforth (again my blog, my use of the English Language as I see fit), I'm going to refer to my dear sweet mother-in-law as dsmil and my dear sweet father-in-law as dsfil, they are both abbreviations of the term, and follow along with other tried and true blogging abbreviations I have seen over the past four years I've been doing this.

So - Old Woman is now DSMIL, and Old Man is DSFIL (although I still reserve the right, my inalienable right) to refer to them as Old People which I have done for the past 22.5 years I've been married to Princess and which comes from a very warm spot in my heart.

My parents will be referred to henceforth as DSD and DSSM (Dear Sweet Dad and Dear Sweet Step Mom).  Hopefully these resolutions will serve to avoid hurt feelings with my DSIL's!

Oh HOLY CRAP!  This is too confusing - In laws are going to be Momma and Poppa, my parents are going to be Dad and Step Mother!  Ignore my early Saturday Morning ramblings! I must be out of my mind to try and remember all of this!  

Have a great Saturday!


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

What's In A Name

Soooo, this post is to announce the selection of nick names for my in-laws.  The nick names that people posted were not (no to offend anyone) inspired.  Therefore, I'm posting a list and asking you to vote in the comments section, cause I'm a lame-O and don't know where to go to get a survey for the blog.  Anywhoo, below are the options I've selected.

1 - Old People
2 - Old Woman/Old Man
3 - Gramps/Grams
4 - Poppa/Momma
5 - Willy/Ruthie
6 - dinlaw/minlaw

The survey is only going to be up until Friday and then the one with the most votes (well, really, ultimately I will decide - JK) will be chosen.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Old People

This post is for my Mother-in-law, who regularly reads this blog, and who happens to be staying with Princess and I (for which we are extremely grateful).

Seems that my in-laws have taken my calling them Old People as a sign that they are getting on my nerves while they are staying here.  This is in fact FALSE!  I only use the term Old People, Old Man, and Old Woman so that I am not revealing their true identities.  I viewed it as a term of endearment, that has now gone awry.

So dear blog readers, since Princess and I don't have any children, we don't call them Grandma/Nana/Nonna/Abuela, Grandpa/Gramps/Grandad/Abuelo.  HELP me here!  If there is a name or phrase that will help me identify them without causing harm, I'm all "ears" to suggestions.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Cool Blogger

**Warning**  Sorry I'm so geeky with this post, and I haven't even began!

Blogger has added some new cool features to their dashboard, resulting in my awesome, soon to be copied by everyone on the net, layout!

Can't wait to play with it some more, but this one kind of suits me what with the travel and all.